Unbound Earth School was developed out of a personal calling for authentic growth and expansion in the community.
Collaboration and cooperation are critical elements to our surviving and thriving. All beings deserve a space in which they can harness, unfold, and sustain their own personal truth within their community.
UES offers programs that are self-directed and play-based in the outdoors to students of all ages to help members enhance their own connection to self and others. Meanwhile, we will acquire very valuable and critical life-skills over the seasons.
At Unbound, we respect all walks and shapes of life and will hold space for children and adults alike to thrive as they continually learn about themselves, their peers and their environments. Through this process, unparalleled life-skill achievements are unlocked and one can sustain a mentally, physically & spiritually whole contribution to community.
No Teacher-led assignments. No boxed-in curriculum. Rather, Earth School students are inspired by their own curiosity and the world around them. Play is Children’s “work” and work is grown-ups “play”.
“Free play is nature’s means of teaching children that they are not helpless. In play, away from adults, children really do have control and can practice asserting it. In free play, children learn to make their own decisions, solve their own problems, create and abide by rules, and get along with others as equals rather than as obedient or rebellious subordinates. In vigorous outdoor play, children deliberately dose themselves with moderate amounts of fear- as they swing, slide, or twirl on playground equipment, climb on monkey bars or trees, o skateboard down banisters- and they thereby learn how to co tell not only their bodies, but also their fear. In social play children learn how to negotiate with others, and how to modulate and overcome the anger that can arise from conflicts. Free play is also nature’s means of helping children discover what they love. In their play children try out many activities and discover where their talents and predilections lie. None of these lessons can be taught through verbal means; they can be learned only through experience, which free play provides. The predominant emotions of play are interest and joy.”-Peter Gray. Free to Learn.
Life Skill achievements help us to become well rounded contributors to our community. At Unbound, we organically uncover and refine life skills through self-directed play (and work) such as gardening, sustainability, food preparation, cleaning, fire building and safety, handwork, building/making, social and emotional skills, music + instruments, bushcraft, first aid, foraging, networking, and the list goes on and on and on!
Being outside has innumerable benefits. We get to experience and observe the changing seasons and biodiversity. We receive grounding and calming effects. We increase our immune system functioning as we breathe clean air and absorb adequate vitamin D. It is in the Outdoors that we have access to the most inspiring classroom there is.
Cooperative to us means we all work together to offer our own authentic strengths. Maybe your skills set you up to be a regular parent volunteer in the (outdoor) classrooms. Maybe you are an expert fisher and can host our co-op for a day of learning the skills. Maybe you have a surplus in your garden and can donate for our on-site snack preparations. Thank you in advance! This aspect enhances community. Our community is able to thrive once we are all operating in a self-directed way, shining our own skill set! 💚